Thursday, August 13, 2009

More on Google Reader

I'm on the desk tonight and it's kind of quiet, mostly just computer queries and have been reading some of my Google Reader and have been thinking about my earlier post today and my 900 odd subscriptions I used to have eeek!!

Anyway it made me think about the criteria I have for adding and keeping blogs to and in my Google Reader now I am a little more selective so here they are:
1. The whole post has to show in Google Reader, unless it is something I really like (ie Dear Prudence and Dear Abby) and am willing to navigate away from Google Reader for, the whole post has to show up.
2. Regular postings about the topic I am interested in (ie I subscribe to lots of craft blogs - mostly stamping and sewing but sometimes the blogs are more personal than craft which doesn't really interest me so I delete them)
3. No of posts per day.

Do you have any criteria for blogs you subscribe to?


Roberta's CCLLearn Blog said...

Idiot question coming up, what exactly do you mean by the "whole post"? I'm still excited to see anything at all. I am very new to podcasts so the novelty factor (Gee Wow!)is still a big turn on, long term I'm not so sure.

Roberta's CCLLearn Blog said...

PS please read my two latest blogs to see if you can HELP!

Theresa said...

Hi Roberta, no question is too silly don't worry I used to be so overwhelmed by the idea of blogs and social networking that I tried really hard to avoid it. UNTIL I was trying to finish my MLIS reasearch paper last year and found that reading blogs and playing on Facebook were lots of fun and I've just kept doing it.

Anyway when I say the whole post I mean I like to be able to read everything the person has written without having to go to the actual site to see it. Some sites only give you the first sentance or a short synopsis in the RSS feed and then expect you to visit their site (and often view their advertising) to read the whole thing. I hate doing this and avoid it subscribing to blogs that do it unless it is one I really like. Make sense? If not I'll explain it better on Wednesday